Plant Growth Regulator-LysoFresh

LysoFresh!! It was created with BIOLIV's phospholipid extraction and purification technology.

  • LysoFresh is Plant growth regulator with excellent safety and functionality.

  • LysoFresh contains LPE extracted from egg yolk and soybean.

  • Lysofresh is a plant growth regulator for improving coloration, sugar content and storage stability of crops, accelerating ripening and increasing yield of crops .


Natural phospholipid extracted from egg yolk & Soybean
Present in all cell membranes


LPE enhances fruit qualities; (Increasing Color and Sugar content, improving shelf life)


Listed as Eco-friendly agricultural material in Korea
Using material categorized in US-EPA inert list 4 (Inert list 4 : “generally considered as safe..”)


Over 300 trials at over 10 countries
Efficacies confirmed

Physiological Efficacy of LPE

  • Stimulation of ripening in fruits and vegetables; enhancing color; improvement of quality

  • Increase in size in crops; Increase in yield ; prevention of cold-weather damage

  • Enhancement of the conservation of harvested crops; extending storability in fruits, vegetables and cut-flowers

  • Sugar metabolism induced by mineral uptake and active photosynthesis can be affected by LPE

in Yield


Mode of action - LysoFresh

Plants are affected by various external environments directly and
indirectly. Their normal bioregulation is greatly hindered by
abnormal temperature (e.g. high temperature, cold injury), and
climate change (e.g. prolonged rainy season, lack of light).

More Uniform Color and Ripening
Harvest and Market Earlier
Improve Grade, Packout & Profits
Improved Storage & Shelf Life
  • The core component of LysoFresh is a signal transmitting substance in the plant. It induces smooth signal transmission during normal growth.

  • LysoFresh helps normal metabolism in the body even when external environment inhibits metabolism.

  • LysoFresh enhances well-balanced growth and development of the plants through smooth signal transmission at all stages of growth.

  • When LysoFresh is fertilized, the highest quality agricultural products can be harvested.

LysoFresh enhances sugar content and sweetness

Lysofresh helps photosynthetic activity to promote the production of sucrose.
At the same time, it boosts the activity of decomposing enzymes to accelerate ripening and
increase the content of fructose in the fruit thus improves the sweetness of the fruit.
It forms fructose with higher sweetness at the same sugar content

LysoFresh's action of equalizing the color of the fruit

Coloring of fruit is generally influenced by light conditions.
LysoFresh facilitates the transmission of the maturation signal in the fruit,
leading to homogeneous coloration even when light condition is poor.

Efficacy of LysoFresh

Enhancing Fruit Ripening and Marketable Yield Increasing Storability of Fruits and Freshness of Flowers.
Field tests have been completed more than 300 trials over 10 countries since 2011


Allows earlier and uniform coloration of produces at constant rate so that they are ready to be picked up at the same time


Increase the sweetness (brix) and turn them into more flavorful taste with succulent texture, presenting well-balanced taste quality


Increase overall yield by adding attributes such as, bigger size, heavier weight and more quantity to the produces


Apply prior to harvest as well as post-harvest dipping extend the shelf-life of produces by reducing the ion leakage and increasing firmness

Resistance against Cold/Chilling Injury

The tests showed that LysoFresh sprayed produces such as cantaloupe, pepper, corn and apple are less susceptible to cold damage. This could also be applied to the trees on the road side to increase the cold and drought resistance.


More Applications of LysoFresh

LysoFresh has been consistently trialed on various types of crops and most of the results proved the effectiveness of LysoFresh on yield increase. Additionally, we are also exploring the positive outcomes that LysoFresh may provide more on protein and chlorophyll contents.

Coffee Cherry

Application time of LysoFresh

A (Recommended dispute method)

  • When the flowers start to bloom: 1st Fracture and post: 2nd
  • 45 days before the scheduled harvest date: 3rd
  • 30 days ago: 4th round 15 days ago: 5th round

B (for coloring purposes)

When coloring of fruit is
20~30% done

C (Standard Fertilization)

45 days before the scheduled
harvest day,
Spray 3 times every 15 days

Spraying Volume and Dilution Method

  • Foliar application

  • Standard spraying volume is 1,500Liters per Hectare (LysoFresh 1Liter + Water 750Liters).
    - In case of each crop, spray volume could be changed.
    - For example, If 1,500Liters may be sprayed, 2 Liters of LysoFresh is needed.

  • 1500Liter/Ha ≒ 150Gallon/Acre (150GPA)

  • Dilution method : Refer mixing instruction
    - It is very important to mix it well.

  • ① Fill the tank with clean water to about 30% level of total volume. Turn on tank agitator.
  • ② Add LysoFresh product and keep agitating.
  • ③ Continue filling tank with water until total volume is reached.

Test Results


The natural, homogenous color, around the entire apple, with greater sugar content and firmness!! Every bite of the consumer’s apple will bring the joy of sweetness and fresher texture.

Coloration & Sugar content

Coloration increase of Fuji and Gala Apples in Washington(USA) when sprayed prior to harvest with LysoFresh.
Hand picking requires higher labor cost since it takes many journeys for laborers to harvest produces. More uniform coloration could reduce the number of trips for harvests.

Young Ju / Republic of Korea, 2022

First Treatment, after a week

Second Treatment, after a week

Third Treatment, after two weeks

Harvest date

Increasing Harvest Yield

Marketable yield increase of Fuji in California(USA) when sprayed prior to harvest with LysoFresh. More apples were graded with higher category, which leads to the higher profit.




Small application of LysoFresh on Grapes will improve the overall qualities of every acre harvested from your farm land.

Increasing Marketable Yields

Yield increase of Red globe in Peru, and Crimson and Red globe in California (USA) when sprayed prior to harvest with LysoFresh

Effect of LysoFresh on Quality Factors

Increase of sugar content, size and firmness of Thompson in Rancagua (Chile) when sprayed prior to harvest with LysoFresh. All the quality judging factors are improved by LysoFresh under different conditions of environment.



Harvest date

Storability, 22 days after harvest, PERU

Harvest date / Red Globe / Chile





Grapes fluctuate greatly in color and yield depending on the weather, but lysofresh treatment increases the marketability of the fruit and enables as many harvests as possible.


The feedbacks from our farmers confirmed that their cherries had great reduce in cracking which was one of the biggest loss in marketability.

Increasing Harvest Yield

Harvest yield of Rainier in Romeral (Chile) when applied prior to harvest with LysoFresh. More number of cherries were grown per tree.

Effect of LysoFresh on Quality Factors

Overall quality increase seen from Lapins, Sam, Bing and Sweet Heart, in Chile and USA, when applied prior to harvest with LysoFresh.









With LysoFresh, You can achieve both the high yield and good taste at the same time.

Increasing Sugar Content

LysoFresh increases the enzyme activity that is responsible of sugar metabolism.

Increased fruit yield

When Lysofresh was applied, it has been confirmed that yields increase in Valencia.

Improving fruit quality

Improved fruit quality and grade. Overall, the value of the crop will increase.

Improved Storage & Shelf Life

The active ingredient in Phospholipid technology is known to inhibit cell membrane breakdown and improve overall quality of the fruit. High-quality fruits with limited cell membrane disruption will last longer. Improve your bottom line by reducing storage risks and marketing higher quality Orange with better shelf life.

* Oleocellosis: Disorder in which brown spots occur on the skin of the fruit

Various Test Results


In addition to the improvement in average sugar content, the harvest rate of high-sugar citrus fruits increases.

Comparative test with other products conventionally fertilized for the purpose of improving sugar content in citrus
(Jeju, Republic of Korea)


Consumers chose LysoFresh treated tomatoes in a blind taste test and preferred the overall flavor over untreated tomatoes.




As a test result of wheat in the United States, all experiments confirmed an increase in yield of more than 11%, and the protein content increased by 0.5 to 1.1%.


Lasting up to 5 more days in a beautiful condition is what magical thing LysoFresh can do longer days with smiles the giftees will have.

When LysoFresh was applied and compared with the roses that were applied with water, 5 days vase-life extension was observed.